Untreated hearing loss
What happens if your hearing loss isn’t treated - the facts.
You’ll lose your connectivity to the world around you and your physical and mental health will suffer.
If your hearing loss has been ignored or not treated properly, your brain won’t receive all the sound it needs to function. This can affect your life in so many ways:
You’ll be constantly trying to work out what people are saying and what's happening around you. In simple terms, this means that your brain has a heavier workload and less capacity for remembering things and carrying out tasks.
If you have untreated hearing loss, you might soon start to avoid social get-togethers because you can’t cope with the all the different sounds you’re hearing. This puts you at much greater risk of suffering loneliness, social isolation and depression.
Untreated hearing loss can also affect your balance when walking and out and about. This increases your risk of suffering a fall-related injury THREE-FOLD¹ and your chance of being injured in an accident by 50%.²
¹ Johns Hopkins Medicine
² JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
According to statistics from the Royal National Institute for the Deaf, your risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease increases FIVE-FOLD when you have severe to profound hearing loss, THREE-FOLD for moderate hearing loss and TWO-FOLD for mild hearing loss.